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Eggers, Harold "Slim"

We were classmates at RHS, have very good memories of that lanky cowboy.

Skipp McCrary - 4/1/2019

Marian and family you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Rosanne Riley - 4/2/2019

Marian, Mike, and Matt,

I’m so very sorry for your loss. I never got to know Harold, but I know he was important to each of you. ??

Margaret Shaw

Margaret Shaw - 4/3/2019

Margaret Shaw again! I thought I put in a heart at the end of my message. It’s suppose to be: I never got to know Harold, but I know he was important to each of you. ??

Margaret Shaw - 4/3/2019

I guess it doesn’t take “hearts” on this site. Please ignore the “??” the site automatically substituted.

Margaret Shaw - 4/3/2019

May the memories of Mr. Eggers continue to warm his friends and family's hearts, knowing that he is safe in God's memory (John 5:28-29).


Lynn - 4/5/2019

God will uphold you and comfort you. My prayers and thoughts for Marian, Mike, and Matt. Always enjoyed visiting with Harold after church and when he would answer the phone.

Beth - 4/6/2019

Mike and Matt. I am sorry for your loss. Prayers

Laramie G Crowder - 4/7/2019